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Understanding the Early Intervention Process: A Guide for Parents

Understanding the Early Intervention Process

Your guide to navigating the journey towards your child’s success

As parents, we want the best for our children. So, when faced with a diagnosis of a developmental delay or the potential risk of a disability, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, understanding the early intervention process can be a game-changer in your journey as a parent. The good news? You’re not alone in this journey. This guide aims to walk you through the Early Intervention Program, its workings, and how you, as a parent, can navigate it.

The Early Intervention Program (EIP): An Overview

The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a publicly-funded initiative aimed at providing support to children under the age of 3 who either show signs of developmental delays or are at risk of experiencing disabilities. The program is designed to ensure that these young children receive the services and support they need to make the most of their early years.

Who Administers the Early Intervention Program?

In New York, the EIP operates under a contractual agreement with the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department Of Health & Mental Hygiene. Among the providers of these services is Special Scholars Early Intervention, a team dedicated to offering your child the best possible support.

Special Scholars Early Intervention: A Committed Ally

Special Scholars Early Intervention is authorized, regulated, and financially supported by both the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department Of Health & Mental Hygiene to administer Early Intervention (EI) services. They are your allies in this journey, ensuring that your child gets the help they need.

Determining Eligibility for the Early Intervention Program

The first step in the EIP is determining if your child is eligible for the program. This is done by evaluators who are approved by the state and work under a contractual arrangement.

The Evaluation Process: A Collaborative Approach

The evaluation process is designed to identify the unique needs of your child. This is a collaborative process, where the evaluators work in conjunction with parents to understand the child’s needs better. Once the necessary services for eligible children are identified, these require authorization from the designated official at the NYC Early Intervention Office.

Arranging Services: A Tailored Approach

Once your child’s needs have been identified, a service coordinator will facilitate the arrangement of service providers. This is a tailored process, taking into account the unique needs of your child and your family.

Service Locations: Flexible and Accessible

One of the great things about the EIP is the flexibility in service locations. Upon request, EI services can be provided at childcare facilities or other community locations, which can often provide a familiar environment for your child. However, it’s important to note that parents are responsible for any associated fees when availing services at these locations.

Financing the Early Intervention Program

Navigating the financial aspect of early intervention can often be daunting for parents. The good news is that all EIP services are provided to parents free of charge. This is a significant part of the program’s commitment to making early intervention accessible to all families. Although health insurance may be utilized to cover approved services, you won’t face any additional charges for the intervention services themselves.

Navigating the world of early intervention can be overwhelming, but armed with the right knowledge, you can make the process more manageable. Remember, every step you take in this journey is a step towards a brighter future for your child. You’re not just a parent; you’re their best advocate. And with resources like the Early Intervention Program and teams like Special Scholars Early Intervention, you’re equipped to guide your child towards their fullest potential.

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    Get in touch

    To initiate the enrollment process for the Early Intervention Program, please contact 311.

    Special Scholars Early Intervention holds a contractual agreement with the New York State Department of Health, Bureau Of Early Intervention, to administer Early Intervention (EI) services. Our program is authorized, regulated, and financially supported by both the New York State Department of Health and the New York City Department Of Health & Mental Hygiene. The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is a publicly-funded initiative aimed at providing support to children under the age of 3 who either show signs of developmental delays or are at risk of experiencing disabilities. Determination of eligibility for EIP can only be made by evaluators approved by the state and working under a contractual arrangement. All necessary ei services for eligible children are identified in collaboration with the parent and require authorization from the designated official at the NYC Early Intervention Office. The service coordinator will facilitate the arrangement of service providers, taking into account the unique needs of the child and family, as authorized by the NYC Early Intervention Office. Upon request, EI services can be provided at childcare facilities or other community locations. However, it is the responsibility of parents to cover any associated fees when availing services at these locations. It’s important to note that all EIP services are provided to parents free of charge, although health insurance may be utilized to cover approved services.

    Early Intervention is proven to have a positive impact!